Sunday 27 March 2011

Adding Up-dateable Content in Modx

I have constantly been in contact with the client about what content she wants in the website. She has provided me with a word document, containing all the information, photos etc that she wants included in the website. From there it is my job to ensure that I provide a easy to use, flowing way that she can update the content in the future. It also has to be in a way that fits the style of the website.
Again I have followed the structure of the previous pages of adding content (within Modx). The client adds the content into title, long title, intro text and then the main content area. Modx styles it according to which area it is put into e.g. the title and intro text will be in a bold, dark blue text and the main content will be in a normal, black text.

I have learnt that it is important to but the text into the document with the insert icon within the Modx interface. If I just copied and pasted it into the general text area in Modx it tends to add code into it from word. However by doing this it doesn't completely get rid of unwanted code it has added breaks instead of paragraphs

at time which I have had to go through and alter in the 'edit HTML' section.
Another really good thing about Modx is that you can alter the content/layout of the website in the front end. I have experimented adding pictures through the front end (only work in the browser you have logged into Modx with).

First you go to the quick edit section, manage picture and choose the files that you want to upload then press the upload button. It then accesses the gallery code that I have created to format the photos.
Final look of the photos.
To create the gallery I have 'nicked' the code from the images that I have on the homepage (3 pictures that can be up date able) however again I have altered the code to adjust the size and position of the photos. As you can see from the screen shot of the code below I have changed the height from 500 to 250 and changed where it links to

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