I feel my project is developing all of the time even though time is quickly running out. At the moment it is at the following stages:
1) AV element: I definitely don't want to take the audio visual specialism route so I am in the process of creating a pixilation. I have got the basic visuals and just need to add the music but as you can see form my last post I might be adding more to the story.
2) Logo: Done a small survey of want logo people are attracted to see if it stands out as a form of advertising. Fully designed on paper. Now in the Process of altering in photoshop. Depending on time and outcome I might alter it in 3d max.
3) Avatar: Altering in 3d max. Experimenting with female figure as strong part of my identity. Need to create clothes, hair and most importantly the facial features. Still need to think about how the avatar and hand (still need to make) will work together and if the hand is a strong enough image to symbolise how the government/money/politics/society help to mold our identities. Probably going to add text to explain its story. In the process of creating avatar.
4) Idea is finalised to create pirates map for the route my travelling experiences took and by following this map in a game people will find out what elements of that trip made me who I am today. Still doing tutorials to grasp techniques I need in flash, about to start it in flash but will probably leave it until the avatar is on its way as I don't have 3d max at home.
5) I am going to create a digital comic to express morals that I believe in and that were put upon me as a child to express how my identity is the was it is through my conscious and believes. Still sketching the comic picture to play with in photoshop and export to flash. Another idea is to create a flash based website to test my more information based use of website design and whether online environments is for me.
So far I think that my ideas are all strong but I need to work on the final element. At the moment the tutorials for flash and 3d max are really helping me work out how to do my ideas.