Monday, 5 April 2010

Fixed Elements In Website Design: The Good And The Bad

A vital part of a creative website is the positioning, which doesn't necessarily mean just a simple layout. It means taking into consideration where the most accessible position is for the navigation bar, the content, where would the area go dedicated to networking go (twitter, facebook etc).

Fixed elements have some advantages in website design that if used in the right way can draw the users attention to the content in the right way. Fixed elements are elements that are fixed to their position in relation to the screen rather than fixed to the website page.

This website has been my favourite for it's use of background graphics that moves with the screen. I like the way the simple, colourful graphic moves down the centre of the screen whilst you scroll as it creates an animation through objects that it moves through therefore drawing your eye down the page to follow the content. The object also changes it's opacity at the same time so that you can see the content clearly. Also I like the way that the animation works with the the word 'absorb' as the graphic sinks into the typography.
Although I like the style of the fixed drawing I find it quite annoying that I have to scroll down to see all of the options as the fixed element is in the way.
I really like the movement in the website created by the blue and pink lines that move when you click on one of the navigation options. I like that the navigation is a fixed element because it is easily accessible and gives the user a reference point that they can always go back to to navigate their way around the site. Additionally, you can see the pages moving which matches the 'old school' style of the illustration that could have come out of a magazine from that era.

Looking at positioning more closely has made me think about bringing in different elements I can use to my future websites, such as illustrations that follow the screen but don't affect the visibility/accessibility of other features.

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